Sunday, 24 February 2013

Ancient Beginings

So, I craft. I sew, and bake, and make. 

It's a family thing on the maternal side, I'd say.... but far too many of the ladies of the parental and grand-parental generations of our time are known to have made sweaters, shawls  clothes and other sundry items of love and utility. The Maharashtrians even have a tradition of displaying their daughters' ability to craft stuff at a young lady's wedding. Thusly, it would seem that another reason is required to explain away my almost obsessive need to craft.
I am now going to blame a little thing called childhood. I spent about half of mine being sick, and the other half having my tastes and likes molded by lovely people who worked in a museum (where also my said maternal parent did). Now that in itself would not be significant, but it needs to be said that all these lovely people were trained to seek the unique, classic and folksy - a trait that they encouraged in all potential minds that they could influence. Compound this with the plethora of craft and art workshops that they hosted to entice children to the museum (workshops that yours truly was always plonked in) and there stands the correct mixture to create a Kooky Crafter.

OK OK, so the kooky is just me. But this blog is about the crafts, and I claim that the said history lesson in the life of this oddball is still a valid first post. 

Now that the story is told and the relevant persons have been blamed, let us proceed with the tales of crafting! I will try to post pictures of the stuff I make, and the inspirations for the said items. Where available, links shall be provided to the original blogger who posted the recipe / pattern / inspiration. Where I have used my own head - and these will be fewer by far - I will try to provide a coherent tutorial for whomsoever is interested. If you happen to land of some such grueling post, just ignore the blabber, and gimme feedback on the item. :)

Somebody asked me if I will sell stuff that i make. While I do torture people I know with it, I cannot imagine anyone volunteering to be tortured thusly. But if someone does, drop me a line, and I will try my very best to help.

Toodles for now!

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